The Real Answer

I see now i was never apart of your big "plan".... The joke is, has & will always be on me. Why??? I ask my self over an over again? Its the only question that ive made up answers as i moved along in this life.. But the REAL answer is i was never apart of your ''plan''. What was meant for pure entertainment turned into a mistake. You kept playing as if it was a game. Its not a game to me or well at least it felt REAL to me. The blood that poured out left me with open wounds an as i bled out & left me dry. You kept playing as if nothing was REAL to you. why??? I ask myself over an over again I kept painting different beautiful pictures for myself. but the REAL answer was you were a robot and you were numb an felt nothing. Robots do not bleed out an dry up they feed off others souls,blood and pain it gives them strength to kill an torture others.. The home i built in my head keeps spinning around in my face but the fire you've set burnt it down down to the ground. now as I step back an look at the ashes you left me with i keep asking my self WHY??? I answered my self an built three more homes.. But you tore them down with nothing but your bare hands full of hatred an anger towards me for not only building one but three homes.. The REAL answer was there never was any home you intended to live in. There was only the one in my head. The REAL answer was you were sent to KILL me not LOVE me.. I am the fool who kept dreaming all the false Dreams...