Philosophy of Suicide

Many don't know
The pain you undergo
To consider such a thought
Of suicide
It's like a poison within
A hole you can't fill in
The only thing left is how you'll do it

A gunshot for anger
A rope for worthlessness
Cutting for the drained living corps
Poison for heart ache

I don't know
How I might decide to go
But I've considered much thought
Of suicide

I might give in
It doesn't feel like a sin
Not the thought
Of suicide

Pain chronic,
Disease rampant
Of both mental and physical health.
A rope, a knife, a gunshot, and poision
All to end my life.

My best regards left unsaid
Or too specifically written

A list to choose from
Of different philosophies
Of the different types of suicide
It's like sticky gooey gum
An obsession
An obsession with ending your life
Only if you do it right, your done.

So maybe I wont
Or won't I maybe
I'll always remember being called a cry baby
Sensitive, rude
Manipulative too
Psychotic, neurotic, idiotic
Iconic loved cherished and beloved
Careless brash a pain in the ass

So compliment me
Tear me down
And maybe then my body will be found
Because I'm manipulate confused abused and used
I don't know if my hand is my hand
I live my life according to you
What song next will you sing in your one person band

This is to you and you know your name
I hope some day you must live your own game

And as for him
The outlook is grim
We know he'll leave me
He already had deceived me

A rope and heart impalement .