
I'm dripping with apathy these days
my denial laced with "it's okay"s
and "I don't care anyway"s
"it's okay," he says
but that's the problem, don't you understand?
for me, giving up and acceptance always go hand in hand
I'm becoming more and more "okay"
I want to fall far far down
until I hit the bitter ground
hoping it will shake me, hoping maybe
it will wake me
hoping the fall
will make me feel anything at all
because with every sorry day
that passes with silent mediocrity and "It's okay"
"I'm okay. everything's
I slowly drift
more and more
♠ ♠ ♠
just to clarify, "falling down" is used as a metaphor in this poem, and is not meant to be taken literally (i.e. it's not about suicide)