D. I. T. H.

Most nights I find myself sitting here, those around me, constanly surrounding,
A kinetic blur to my eyes and ears.
Moving so fast, all with life,
I sit still between black and white.
Alcohol might not last the night,
Go to sleep, eventually, pray I'll be alright.

The sun rises and sets
Seasons change and to fall
I lay in bed, dead in the head,
Left to feel nothing at all

I do not know the day
I do not know the date
The passage of time slowly slips away
I live and breath borrowed breaths today

Its unfortunate,
My surbordinate,
Is a fortunate
A misery,
A notion,
My soul is fucking broken.

The liqour wont last me the night
The darkness whispers a sweet delight
To the shell of a man, with a bottle in his hand.
The voices will keep me awake tonight.

Dead in the head but it will be alright
When my stagnance turns into strife
My existence will be a flicker of light
Sparked and gone before the sun can rise