I Made You My Power!

The first time I ever hurt myself was at 13
I didnt understand why, i just knew it would help.

I got scared after that and didnt do it again,
Till i was 15!

11 years ago, i remember it like it was yesterday,
The relief, the crismons blood running down my arm.

The feeling of peace washing over me, like nothing,
Nothing i have ever felt before.

The feeling of belonging, in this new peaceful world,
All i had to do to get there was glide a blade over my wrist.

The more i did it the better i felt. Nothing could hurt me.
I had the power, no one could take that away from me.

Then i met you, you pieced me back together bit by bit.
You made me again, i felt hole without the blood.

You loved me, made me feel safe, you fixed me, you built me up.
You made me feel everything happy, strong, empowered.

Life was great, i didnt need to bleed to feel alive anymore.
Your soft touch, kind heart and warm eyes did that for me.

You made me feel more alive then ever before.
I learnt to trust you soul, body and mind.

Then just like that, you broke me again. I just fell,
Shattered into another million fragile pieces.

You made me feel weak, broken, stupid, fat, ugly, useless,
worthless, empty. You undid everything we worked so hard for.

There was nothing i could do to stop myself. The temptation was
strong, i just couldnt resist. I need to feel something again.

To feel the old and familiar guilt. I need to see that beautiful
crismon red blood again. I needed to add another scar.

I needed a reminder of the pain i let you make me feel.
I dont blame you, i blame myself.

I trusted you, i feel in love with you, i jumped in head first.
I let myself feel safe with you. I let my wall come crashing down.

I let you brake me into a million more pieces. I let you bring me down. I should never of let you in to my dark world.

I made you my power!