Fish in the Ocean

Fish in the Ocean
I am a bubble. A pocket of air thats surrounded by water.
I live in the lake by the ocean.
I stay in the lake . The ocean isn’t safe.
It crashes and cries and hurts
So i don’t go near the ocean.
The ocean has lots of things
Salt, To rub in your wounds,
Sand, To throw in your eyes,
Coral, To cut your skin,
And water. To drown you in.
The ocean uses these things to hurt the fish.
The fish lives in the ocean, you could say.
The fish is controlled by the ocean.
The ocean and the fish used to get along,
They used to help each other
They're supposed to support each other
But now the fish is only hurt by the ocean.
The fish and ocean made me.
But now i stay away from them
Because I dont want to see the fish being hurt by the ocean.
♠ ♠ ♠
Meh. This one's okayyyyy, but it's not my favorite.