If Only...

If only, Daddy hadn't left.

If only, we were all equal to everyone.

If only, I had driven that night.

If only, 'Danny Boy' hadn't died.

If only, Becky Sue weren't knocked up.

If only, it would rain.

If only, Sam hadn't taken that first hit.

If only, Jake hadn't gotten the 'Dear John,'.

If only, mom would come home.

If only, we hadn't been caught.

If only, Martin Luther King Jr., Malcolm X, and JFK hadn't been assassinated.

If only, Charles Manson never had his 'family'.

If only, 9/11 never happened.

If only, the tragedies at VT and Columbine hadn't happened.

If only, Billy hadn't found that 'cool toy' gun.

If only, the grass really was greener on the other side.

If only, 'if only' came true.