Coffin Case

Dead trees, a stale breeze, and burned leaves..
The daunting night sky calls to me
The tops of the trees, decayed yet hypnotic..
Like veins to a lifeless corpse..begging to be used..
Begging to be alive..just like I

The moon casts its pale glow on my somber face
A faint warmth of the dark felt across my flesh.
The night breeze whispers death that I can taste..
I wish my atrophied heart would beat like the rest..

How can I reach the stars when they are so far..
My hands grasping at the air before my eyes..
Shackled to my phantom cacophony of horrors..
I just want to know what its like to be alive..
Why have I been denied?

Ill clench my fists at the dark..
Stand at the edge of the woods
Stare into utter fucking blackness
And cant help but to feel at home..

Living with both feet in the grave
The earth has claimed my footing..
I am damned to be, forever a slave
To the sad songs of misery..
Barely even living..
And the stars are so far away..
Maybe its supposed to mean something to me..

My chest feels like its caving in..
My heart aches with sadness..
A despair that haunts my dreams..
And needless to say, my friend,
It is fucking killing me..

Bloodied knees, the night-time breeze, and horrific dreams
The daunting night sky calls out to me..
The depth of my grave echos the misery in me,
Like a trumpet sound of melancholy
Unable to rouse the rust in my veins..
I take my end to the night.
♠ ♠ ♠
As if any of the words I write could bring life to what I feel..but I tried.