I'm Not Like You

You should have known from the day you met me
That I'm just not like you
I don't have a short temper and I think before speaking
And I would never put others down
To make myself feel higher up
I know that you can't wait to just
Take my hand and drag me down with you
But if you think I'll give in that easily
Then you're in for a big surprise
And keep in mind that I'm not like you
Yes, I know that you betrayed me
But I'm sorry to say
That you weren't ever even close to being a "real" friend
You used me just to get what you wanted
But not anymore.
I won't tolerate your backstabbing ways
I knew all along that you liked to be two-faced
Pretending to be someone's best friend
Then turning around and spreading those rumors, you did
And each time I see you there's a new friend by your side
And I wonder how long it will take her
To realise that you're not who you say you are
I'm just so glad I'm not like you