Game Over

You had fun, didn’t you?

Stringing me along. Watching me dangle and bob, hanging on to your every word.
Words I wanted to believe.
At one point, I did.

Every time I got whiff of your bullshit I unhooked myself and built another layer to my wall.

Tried to block your ass, but fuck, it never worked for long, did it? Sadly no.

Because you’d find your way back in.

Honestly, it all seemed sincere. It really did. And maybe it was at times.

See, there I go again, wanting to believe you truly cared. That you weren’t playing games to pass time.

Flirting with me while collecting dimes. You had fun, didn’t you?

Ya know, I don’t think anyone else saw it but me. Guess that was a good thing. It wasn’t like platonic lines were fully crossed anyway.

You made sure to take me to the edge, just enough to look down into the valley of possibility, pushing me further, further, further, STOP.

You’ve gone too far and almost let me fall in the process.

Luckily I kept one foot planted inches back from the ledge. I don’t like heights and I’m afraid of falling. Especially when there’s nothing there to catch me. In this case, no one there to catch me.

But I did have a thing for adrenaline.

So, you’d do it again next week and the week after...

A year and a half passed and it’s time to go our separate ways.

Your giving out farewell hugs and I’m nervously waiting my turn. We’ve never hugged before.


And I’m so glad we didn’t.

Because when it became my turn, you couldn’t even let your hands touch my back…

And so, I let go and I smiled all big, even though the pressure in my chest was growing by the second and the moisture was building in my eyes.

And without a final goodbye, I gathered my belongings and headed for the door, feeling your gaze on my back as I did so.

And as I drove down the road I could feel the string snap...

♠ ♠ ♠
Closing a sort of "chapter" by writing this.