Still Whole

you are not broken, I promise
dust yourself off
you are whole and you are worthy
to love this
aching, spiraling, fractured yet still whole, still
mess that is
you are okay, in fact
you are wonderful. breathe it in
I wish I could tell you
that someone will mend the fractures
in your shattered skull, or sew together
your wounded chest
or love you so much that none
of this even matters
but there is nobody on this earth
whose arms are strong enough
to hold you tight enough
to keep you from falling apart if you are constantly breaking at the seems,
but I promise
I fucking promise you that you are worth saving
when did you
in all your kindness decicde
that you
this bashful blooming beautiful thing
are worthless
I won't stand for it
but I also can't stand
for you
but I promise you
your legs
will carry you so much further than you ever
possible, my love
you are strong and you are bright and you
are hungry for life I can see it in your eyes
that refuse to stop shining
to love this
aching, spiraling, fractured yet still whole, still
mess that is
and learn
to pick yourself up
when you fall, sew yourself
back together
because you
are worth saving
♠ ♠ ♠
it is 5:30 and I haven't slept yet, oops. goodnight/morning, lovely people