"Down with Big Brother"

I thought I was free
That the shadows of the past couldn’t catch up to me anymore
Thought this was it
The road opening up for me
Filled with the brightest of futures
And the greatest of hopes

Then I felt my world tearing itself apart
No footing
No consolation
Felt the very pillars of my life burn down to ashes
Leaving behind an arid road
Not a dead end
But a whole path of empty nothingness scattered about

This is the life I chose for myself
This is what I decided I wanted to do for a living
And they’re taking it away from me
No, they’re robbing me of my future
Wrenching away my dreams and hopes
And leaving nothing but broken illusions behind

I am sorry I am not now who I was supposed to be then
That I slowly but unerringly am turning into a shell of myself
That I look in the mirror and see nothing staring back at me
That my future looks so blank when I was meant for greater things
Or even for a good, quiet life
Not this abhorrent wreck that lies in front of my feet
♠ ♠ ♠
Disclaimer: the phrase used for the title belongs to George Orwell's 1984. Any similarities with that and what's happening here is purely fucking coincidental. No.