A Nix

You took my home from me
I gave you my heart
My soul, loyalty, every fiber in my being
My commitment to a bright future

I gave you my home, my nightmares
My hopes and dreams to be better
To live, to be a person
My hope to experience life
To create a home and exciting endless future of possibilties
I wanted us to to a tell story of adventures
Of us and our beings that melded and meshed and created a couple

Love is a fire that burns
It takes two to keep it going
When one person leaves
The other frantically tries their best to keep it going
But it can never work that way
It dies and your left alone in the dark
Fanning a pile of sticks

You took my innocence.
My hopefullness
My loyalty
My love
It was my choice to do that
Because you promised me my future
A bright future no matter what that entailed
You or just me myself and I
I believed you
I was a fool.

You took the best parts of me
Left me fightened and scared
Alone in a forgein country
A bag of money and no opprotunitues
My life dangling on the string you held
With scissors outstretched
A constant fear of the unknown and what you would do to me next
With no power to control what happened
All alone with no ability or support to save myself

You left me to drown in your sins
Your lies your betrayal
You left me to die
And blamed me for not waiting long enough
To see you were in pain too

I screamed for your hand as I dangled off a cliff
Instead you pushed me off
And punished me for everything that came with it
My mind was broken
I was lost and alone
Maybe you didn't know how to help
But you proved you only cared to save yourself
So I drowned

Each day I still lose a new part of me
I am still horribly alone inside
I am the only one between the two of us that really tried
Cause look here I am breathing
Instead of hanging myself on the noose you tied around my neck

No one can see manipulation and control
No one sees this abuse till you show them yourself
By slitting my wrists, by leaving the evidence behind
I hoped someone or even you would see the pain I was in
That I was dying but
You turned around and said look how she abuses me
So my screams fell on deaf ears and I was left to drown
Until it was too late and you slit my throat
While you held me and said shhh, it's okay.
You're a strong bunny, I still love you honey.
You took everything you could and left me homeless to die
But hey at least one of us survived
At least you'll be alright

Like the rest of my family
My friends and all the people I've ever met
You, my love, also taught me..
My life my very well not be worth living
But as you take me the best parts
As you cut me
As you lie to me
As you ignore me
You say you're strong
You gotta get up
You gotta keep trying
As you leave me here to die

You had all the power to make it right
To give me the tools to save my life
But you were drowning too
So you kicked me while i was down
And I took your place so you could live
The life you promised me

You were my first real happy memory
My first hope for living my life
The best way to be the best me
Now every single memory is betrayed
Is soiled
And as I lie awake at night looking for comfort
In these trying times, in these days that go by
As I struggle to breathe and fight for my life
I try to find peace in my memories
That one day things will get better
But every memory
Screams at me.. Trust no one.

You raped me.
You left me for dead.
You threatened me.
Isolated me.
Made me feel crazy.
Then left me homeless
With no one and no where to go
I will never trust again.
And you did this to your own sister
Then your wife.
But you get to go on and live your life.

No one will ever find out the truth
And they will all blame me and say I'm crazy.
How you hurt me.
How you loved me.
How i loved you.
This will never reach you.
I hope one day your sins catch up to you
I hope one day you try to make amends for the evil you've commited

For now I breathe
I wake up
I still get up
I could have been someone
I could have done something
I was still just a child trying to find her way
And you took my hopefulness away
My innocence
My trust
My being.
Watch this pretty little corpse drag along
Living for the sake of breathing
Contribute to the masses
I am nothing
I am no one
I am nix

I am a victim.
Its really not that complex.