Room to Grow

When you're at your lowest low, you feel there's nowhere else to go but down and you feel yourself sinking.
Thinking you might drown and all around people are staring, whispering, wondering why you're starved for attention, but really, it's just depression threatening to make you crazy.
Hazy memories of who you used to be cloud your mind and though you thought you left that life behind long ago, you can't seem to find the will to finally let go.
No one can see that you're suffering and nothing could ever be as comforting as the feeling of pain when you blame yourself for every little mistake you've made.
Afraid that you'll take it too far one day, you put away your method of choice and the little voice inside your head congratulates you for being strong while the devil sings his siren song from upon your shoulder, but that's life with bipolar and you've grown used to it over the years.
Fear sets in as you realize you'll never live up to expectations set by those who you once thought to be salvation and you become uneasy at the thought of losing everyone you love because you will never be good enough.
Engulfed in the flames of Hell on earth, smoke filling your lungs as you struggle to feel any sort of self-worth, you are sure that this is the end and you are done pretending to comprehend why you were cursed from the very beginning.
Your head is spinning and final thoughts are swimming around in your brain, reminding you of everything you couldn't be, but also everything you were.
Assurance comes from the angel on your other shoulder, a reminder that beauty is in the eye of the beholder and a promise that as you grow older, you will get better.
Never should you have forgotten that this hurting is temporary and while the thought of continuing your life may seem too scary, remember that pain is necessary because you can't overcome what you give up on.
So when you're at your lowest low and you feel there's nowhere else to go, look up because there's always room to grow.
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I wrote this as a sort of reminder that life isn't perfect. I went through some very rough times after writing this and didn't think I'd live long enough to see my life get better, but now my life is beautiful and I'm happy. Genuinely and purely happy. If anyone out there reads this and is struggling, just keep your head up and your mind set on greatness because it's coming. Believe me, it will happen. Take it from someone who has zero patience, you have to be patient. Good things take time and trust me, they're worth the wait ♥