5 Minutes

It’s been 5 years since the first time you touched me
But 5 minutes since the last.
You make 5 hours feel like 5 seconds
You make the ice melt in the coldest places inside of me
You turn bats into butterflies
Dark into light
But only for what feels like 5 seconds
Then you’re gone, but not forever
You’re gone long enough for the ice storms to come back
Long enough for the butterflies to turn into vampires
The light to fade so much I can’t see in front of me
You’re gone for what feels like 5 years.

But this time...you were 5 minutes too late.

When you returned, the ice had melted and flowers grew
The vampires were gone and there were unicorns
There were no signs of darkness, only warmth
Warmer than sunlight, Warmer than fresh baked cookies
Warm enough for life.

You’re not upset because the cold was gone
You’re upset because I’m new without you
Someone else fought through your storm and found what you never did
My veins were vines that ran through me and grew, and you couldn’t stop them.

It’s been 5 years since the last time you touched me.