Why Is It So Hard?

Running from who,
That is the question.
Hiding from who,
That is the question.

The sounds of screaming,
And doors closing.
The sounds of desperation,
And shattered hope.

That sudden urge,
To fight or stay in place.
Debating, thinking.
Neither are livable.

So a new way,
To run or hide is devised.
One that involves pain,
And many scars.

One that makes you stand out,
A way where blood is your best friend.

But by debate,
Is this right.
Is it the way to go,
To release ones' self.

If it is,
Than how are we all here today.
For all pain is deadly,
Yet the strong live

To overcome anything,
Is a challenge.
But to wait until the problem is harder to stop,
Is the real enemy of everyone.

To stop is hard,
But to give up hope.
That's the one thing that no one can do,
Always dream and believe,
And NEVER give up hope.