The Man Who Helped the Surgeon

The sun rose like any other day
The man continued his journey to the capital
It was the seventieth day.

A surgeon wailed
and so the man was hailed
and the surgeon cried "For they do not love me for me for who I am is whom I was meant to be and for me, I am now free, but they are too stricken to see."

And the man, not struck like most
tried to aid this surgeon after their erratic toast.

"You cannot cure them, but you have cured you. You cannot correct them, but you can correct the blue. You are more than what anyone perceives, for you are right in the way and you are what the world knows as true.

"Believe in yourself, and do not give up hope,

"For one thing you will regret is letting yourself smoke."

This surgeon now sat, their eyes focused on a a fly
Staring into a void
The man knew he did try

But the man perceived
This would not go at ease
Until many times later
The surgeon would smile with their own smile

The man, leaving a note
went forward with 2 miles in his coat.
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Number 6 in the Man Going to the Capital collection. Number 1 is The Man Who Helped the Fellow.