She and Timing 8/15/17

She wasn't made to feel
She wasn't made to love
Fear her for she can break you down
She'll get in your head
She'll make you dream of her
She'll make you believe you're falling for her
But stay away stay very far away
She's gonna hurt you
She's gonna make you cry
She's gonna you cheat on you and lie
She's gonna make you want to die
Be weary of this woman be weary of this girl
She's a tease
She's a heartbreaker
She's a mean individual
She's a heartless creature
Beware her kiss beware her touch
Her voice is soothing
Her body is banging
Her lips are soft
Her skin hot
Her lust with give you blue balls for she teases
Be careful she'll push you away
She reminds me of someone I use to know
She'll make you fall hard and crave more
She's going to get stuck in your head for hours
Her last words were no, I can't, I'm sorry, I'm not ready
But Her Last word was Timing
I laugh at timing there's not enough of it
I have met this girl in many forms
I have been with this girl many times
I know she goes by many names
I want to let go of these emotions
Because it's always the same answer just a different disguise
She and I will never be
She and I can never make it work
She and I will forever have excuses
She and I shouldn't talk
She and I will see each other again
Before I desire her more I have to let go
Timing is everything to her
Timing is her excuse
Timing is what she hides behind
Timing is my enemy
Timing will end everything
Timing that is too short will rush things
Timing that's too long will make her or myself think we've lost interest and move on
Timing how cruel
Timing fuck you
Believe me when i say I like you a lot
You can make up tons of excuses
You and I both know you fear being vulnerable
You know that I might make you believe
You fear things not working in the end
You have to let go of the past that tore you apart
Be vulnerable and let yourself feel again