Sweet Release

You drag the razor across your skin

It tears like paper

The blood starts to pool

At the floor by your feet

You wrap your wrist up

You put your bracelets back on

You pull your sleeve down

And begin to cry

You shut off the light

And climb into bed

While staring at the ceiling

You wonder why

Why can't you stop?

Why do you keep convincing yourself

That this one will be the last?

Why do they all tell you to stop?

But most importantly

Why can't you stop?

Even if it means

He will be happy?

If he wants you to stop

You should be able to

Because he loves you

So much in fact

That it kills him

To see you hurt yourself

In any way.

So why cant you

Put down the razor

Because even if it doesn't bother you

And even if it doesn't hurt you

It's eating him alive

To see you dyeing inside