school bleeding

As your sitting in class
the tears run down
you sit in the back
all alone
you silently plead
for the day to just be over
As the teacher calls on you
for an answer to a stupid question
you sit in your seat
and quietly curse
you look around
to see if anyone will help
But sitting in the back
no one looks your wat.
you wish you could just die
instead of saying anything
you just glare at the wall
The teacher moves on
and you raise your hand
"may i go to the bathroom?"
despite her "no" you leave
In the bathroom
you unhook a safety pin from your pants
rolling up your sleeve
you putthe pin against your skin
and hope for the courage to push down
As you drag it across your wrist
the bell rings and you leave the bathroom
no one knows
your just another girl
with bleeding mascara
and secrets to deep to share