Eclipse Heaven Blues

Sitting at the kitchen table filling up little gel capsules with turmeric for me
“Who the hell are you and what the fucker you doin here”
Shadowy arm hanging an almost finished cigarette out the window
Good time for a knot in your tongue
Uh.. just at.. uh.. what’s his names..
I went the wrong way man but I got myself straight
Looking at her like through a telescope out over the pacific
Through her telescope
my glance passes through
She faces the water and I look out of her eyes
She looks at the water and faces me
“Oh down at so and sos place?”
“Well shit I just didn’t know who you were”
Shot my way on out to the highway him following behind
Put this stuff on topically
They gave it to me for stretch marks but I only used a little bit
Half felt like I was being chased out
I look through different colored lenses
Stained and kaleidoscoped into prophetic scenes shifting and morphing
Whiskey on my breath sound waves on my ears
We don’t touch though,
we had good times and I may have saved her from breaking a leg once
How romantic-
I held her hair and rubbed her back while she vomited Jameson into the fire pit once
But money beats soul every time baby
Blood IS thicker than the mud
My toes are cold
Remembering Willie singing to me as a kid
His voice shone through the others on the radio somehow
sounding very special in my ear
So take these she says
Two capsules a day
She was gonna fall and I took her hand and pulled her back up to the safety of clifftop overlooking pirates cove
They got married in that same cave
Dusk creeping in and the freaks seem to be arriving in fleets of invisible ships drifting in and out of the cove
Joint smoke in the air
Cameras set up on the tripod ready to shoot the unbelievable reality
Look at that tide coming in underneath of us exploding into fractions on the rocks
On the nude half of the beach we brought kyles dad for some reason
His thoughts on the matter were anybody’s guess, he was very quiet through the scene
He was seeing his son off on his own
Hamburger Mary got to me though my peanut butter
Turmeric they say- it’ll help with the swelling
I think the real reason we are here is for you
The power of prayer
I can still feel the energy coming to me from the old gnarled oaks
Perhaps now more than ever
Do I hear the roosters cocking through the night
And the yotes singing their sweet sick song through brisk deep blue air
Coming to me continually
I continually am grateful
Jameson into the fire pit she vomited once
Ghost of poison oaks past haunt me in the night
We need a bottle tree out here in Cohasset
The bay may keep the witches spells at bay
But the haints dance through them at once
Paint the porch if just to keep my ghost away
I don’t like to think id be a mean ghost
But I can’t help to think I’d be inclined to pranks
I’ll take it as an invitation if I come back and your porch is still not painted and you haven’t decorated your trees with empty bottles
An empty bottle of Seagrams gin was my addition
Do your part keepin them haints outta the free world
Haint blue I think they call it
I heard of an old farmer who would collect the bottles from his trees just before sunrise and cork them all up
Sold the bottled haints to practitioners of the black magic
Said the shit paid better than shine
Everything you desire must be earned
Earned be must desire you everything
Everything you earned must be desire
You desire everything must be earned
You must desire everything be earned
Must you desire everything be earned?
Everything you must be earned desire
Do you have a flea in your ear?
Everything must be-you earned desire
Desire earned everything you must be
Must desire be everything you earned?
Desire must be everything you earned
Earned everything-you must be desire
You must be desire everything earned
Everything earned must you be desire?
Earned desire must you be everything?
Desire you-everything must be earned?
Must be desire-you earned everything
Nibblin little chunk
Reconsider yourself before you wreck yourself
I’ll bust ya whole head kid
Echoing through the telescope of her out to the sea
Andrews batch of chili flows over the pot extinguishing the fire
How tired are you of hangin around?
Ear to a gentle sound in the ground
Mud creek roaring muffled television static off a rocking ocean
I ate that chili for weeks
I don’t advocate the devil
I advocate his argument