Best Friend Bliss

You left
Maybe it was for the best
Though I still struggle to see it that way
I still kind of wish I’d asked you to stay
And now, I’m rolling into year two
Writing poems at 3am because I miss you
Wondering how you still invade my brain
And somehow ruin everything I use to stay sane
Music you’ve never heard, but the lyrics “fit”
But not in a sad way, I have to admit
Like the song “moonchild”
You loved to be called Moon Child
Little things that aren’t really sad
But remind me of everything we had
Forget the sex, the romance, the kiss
Remember the love, the laughs; reminisce
That’s the stuff I really miss
Best Friend Bliss
Sure, I shouldn’t have fallen for you
But what did you think I was gonna do?
When you looked at me the way you did?
And emphasised the importance of it?
When you lifted me into your arms and kissed me?
And constantly told me how much you missed me?
When I told you to kiss me one last time,
You held on tight and asked me to stay the night
So you could hand feed me grilled cheese
And then the cream puffs you’d left to freeze
Arms around my waist, face buried in my neck
As you mumbled cutely and left a little peck
Just standing around in the middle of your kitchen
You were the one who put me in that position
I guess I always knew the risk
“Best Friend Bliss”
But how did I get blamed for all of this?
When you left
And maybe it was for the best
I just can’t see it yet