I Obviously Loved You Moore

I loved you.

With every fiber of my living broken being,
I loved you.
I let you sleep in my bed for days on end.
I gave you what money I had.
I held you when the world broke you.

I loved you.

With every ounce of my living soul,
I loved you.
I paid your rent.
I bought you food.
I encouraged you to follow your dreams.

I loved you.

With every ounce of heart and blood and bone and muscle,
I loved you.
And you clouded my judgement with lies.
You used me.
You told the world I was a room mate.
You kicked me in the guts and lied about loving me.

I loved you.

And now I’m supposed to carry on with this life without you.
You planned a life with me and threw me in the trash.

I loved you.

You chose your car over me.
When I gave you my all because I loved you.
Four wheels and a white shell, in your eyes are better than me.
For seven years you were my world.
But I was never yours.

I loved you.
I love you.
I don’t want to ever love again.
Fuck you!
♠ ♠ ♠
I’m drunk and still grieving.