Motley Mind

Bird of prey
Bird of prey
Quick get the recorder
A fly flew into my can of beer unnoticed
Drowning in they raised the price to 6.99 for a 12 rack
As I took my last drink
Rumble strips
I swigged him into my mouth
Feeling him on my tongue I crunched him with my front teeth
I knew that crunch somehow
It’s instinctive
Just lost my first game of Scrabble and almost ate a fly
Need some vodka to sterilize my mouth
Rum might help too
Smoke a couple cigarettes
They’ll suffocate the bacteria in your stomach
Devils angels lust for life
One more hour
The golden hour
This is it
Spitting onto the concrete floor of the outdoor kitchen
It should dry by morning
With a low of 41 tonight
Which one of you likes chewing a fly?
Keep spitting and stop thinking about it
Eyes on the road hands on the wheel
The Sensitive Cancer outScrabbled Captain Awesome and I
That’s it
She outsettled us in Catan
Stop crying big bad wolf
You are married to that wolf
No one will believe you
When she’s really digging in
Eating your viscera screaming your drunken fury
Oh it’s just the big bad wolf again
Just drunken frustration again
Keep spitting
One moment
Some more hash
I can only try to be professional
I cannot appear so
But it can be achieved
One more swig of rum
What a big chunk of hash
Gonna get me ripped and ready for bed
My beds seem to have been too short for years
I curl up on the bed to fit because I can’t stretch six foot four inches of homo sapien over these mattresses
One night in the treehouse I awoke to find a baby spider descending from the ceiling to my face
I got my light and took a look around
They all must have hatched that night
Little baby spiders spinning their first thin webs from the ceiling
There must have been one or two hundred of the little buggers
I gathered my slumbertries
And retreated outside to the hammock
Last night I noticed the ants crawling across the wall at my head
Now I can’t let my head touch the wall at night lest the ants find it in their agenda to colonize my cranium
Awake now I dream of collapsing into a warm spacious bed
But that is not my reality
Stop dreaming
You have to put the sheet back on the bed because it keeps working itself off
Don’t let the ants get in your head
That’s real talk
It’s midnight thirty on a Friday night
Saturday morning comes all too soon
My stomach hurts
Is it the fly I almost ate
Or all the vodka and rum and beer I drank
Bacchanalious distillations in my blood tonight
Save the blind tiger tonight
I’ll be right back I want to get the sheets arranged to properly collapse upon
This is why we are taught to make our beds in the morning
How did Mom know?
Okay one more swig of rum
Who am I confessing to?
A yellow balloon of nitrous oxide
Sheets are made and are fitting well
We are proper for bed
Let it go let it go
Okay you win
Goin to the roadhouse not the bathroom
K P ADC Jasmin
Simpler Times
One more JOP full of Bali Shag
Let it roll
Woke up this mornin and got myself a beer
Roll baby roll
One can stand to accumulate much extraneous vocabulary over the span of a game of scrabble
One more sentence
One more in the ashtray
One more sumpthin’
One more drunken cripple walking up a flight of stairs
Blood blood blood
Remembering Crazy Chris crawling out of his wheelchair and up the one or two steps into Marks trailer one night with one leg
Who knows what that motherfucker was on
Mark took care of the guy sometimes
Gave him a warm place to sleep and a shower to wash off the streets
I hope that guy has been okay
After Mark passed away
I hope he is in his german yacht being served drinks from his beautiful women right now
I hope he has a big black dildo to replace his missing leg right now
That crazy bitch
Ran over my leg for a box of goddamn tampons he would say
At least some prosthetic
I think his doctor got sick of the big black dildo
He said he would be able to take it off and beat someone with it
I hope he has a big black dildo though
Oh Chris I hope you didn’t kill my friend with your pills and your crystal
But no way for me to know
But I know I wish you well
Mark you have indeed done as the officer said
You have done a good deed indeed
Talk to me Austin
Be cool man
His gallant goodbye
If only I had known
About that fly in my beer
The Fractal Chicken is shivering tonight
I will join the fat cat in my bed soon
Yes soon
Don’t get lost out here in The Doors man
The mind is motley tonight
Sounds like black cat under the porch tonight
One eyed bull
What do I do?
Not like 200 cows on your front lawn at 9am
Just the fractal feral
We all need a place to sleep
Weigh his cage down and toss him in the pond
What’s the most humane way to off this pesky feral?
He beat up George and raped his partner and their daughter
What’s the best way to kill it?
We couldn’t kill the damn raccoons they were too damn cute
I’m sorry I don’t know about this one
I say shoot the bugger or feed him poison
He eats George Ginger and Charlottes food
We can’t have this
He hasn’t been around lately but his home is flooded and he can’t make it back
So he is relocated here for time being
I wonder what will be done about the one eyed bull
I will sleep with one eye tonight
And two eyes shut
When will Jim let me sleep?
I am proper man let me do it
Let me lay with deaths cousin
And mingle with her mind
Only 17 more minutes of madness
Minus the echoes
Robins warming up the bed for me now
I wrapped his blanket around him
And he’s a little toast now
The musics almost over and I will turn out the lights
When the musics over
There’s one more swig in my can
Will there be a fly in it?
No there is not
Not a fire in the place
A slice of sourdough and a cheese stick
What time should I set my alarm for tomorrow?
You have reached the end of this poem
Sleep well precious child