I Can't Bear to Be Without You

3am: thinking of you, thinking of us, and of this mess that we have become (and how we are trying to fix it)

I have never had as many sleepless nights as the nights I have had after you returned to work from holidays: from falling asleep with you in my arms, or me in yours or our limbs tangled together yearning to be in touch

my bed is now empty, save for the cat at its foot, and the three pillows I don't use thrown haphazardly beside me, echoing the ghost of your form, where you will take your place beside me in eight hours' time

I stay awake and write shitty poetry (like this) to try and distract myself from the possibility that maybe we are not meant to be; I'm a stubborn, proud Leo and you are a hot headed Aries: ask anyone who knows anything about astrology and they will tell you that the passion between two fire signs will be thrilling and intense, but can just as easily turn sour

and I am hoping, at 5am, that astrology is stupid and this is only but a small bump in a very long road (because I love you, and cannot bear to let you go)