
Humpty dumpty
Sat on a wall
Had a great fall
All the kings horses
And all the kings men
Couldn’t put humpty
Together again
And so he fell onto the kings side of the wall
I wonder who was on the other side
Likely another king
Perhaps they could’ve put humpty together again
But perhaps it wasn’t another king
Who knows
What am I getting at
I imagine humpty is an egg
Which explains why nobody could put him back together
Maybe common
But a precautionary tale
Don’t sit on a wall if you’re an egg
Depending on how high the wall was, if he was a stone he wouldn’t have broken..
Harder they come
Don’t come on too hard if you’re an egg
Perhaps simply don’t be an egg
Sit on all the walls you want just be a stone
And know how high they are
Try to fall on the right side
Like if you are going to inevitably break try to pick the side with the more advanced reconstructive surgeons