I can see the pain in your eyes
Thoughts jumbled in your mind
A language not to be understood
By judging people with clouded eyes
They fear what they don’t understand
Free spirits wrecking havoc on their fragile minds
Judged and smothered by the ones around
Never to old to act as we feel
Never not brave enough to live our dreams
Beating ourselves black and blue
No one will ever understand what it’s like to be you
A mind racing at the speed of light
Feeling like you’re drowning all through the night
Carrying the pain of arguments long passed
Just trying to keep your head above the water
For as long as it lasts
Pills thrown at you from every direction
To numb your mind, keep away the perfection
What they don’t understand, what you can’t explain
Throwing you into despair once again
A free spirit, a jumbled mind
Art to those who can understand