I Always Knew

When your heart feels like it’s been ripped out of your chest
And your left feeling all of the emotions like a socio, psychopathic mess
When you’re left feeling alone, betrayed and hurt
When you’re left to blame no one but yourself; god, that feels like hell
That’s how I feel right now
Hurt and abused
By a guy that I Barely even knew
Was I desperate
Or really truly in love
Desperate for that feeling again
But a las it finally turns to dust
Ashes on the floor with pieces of my broken heart by the door
I knew he wasn’t it
I knew it wasn’t right
Was I just buying time until we can be together again
I’m in love with a person who just wants to be friends
Did I warrant this ? Did I warrant the hurt, the pain, the feelings that just refuse to go away ?
I tried my best to love him but I knew it wasn’t the same
Not what I felt for you; it was worst if I must say
He was a child trapped inside the body of a man
Perhaps; I’ve been mislead
By another person who just wanted to be friends.
I wanted, wanted so badly for it to work
Sadly, it burned faster than it ever began
That guy and I were truly just meant to be friends
But you and I..., I don’t agree, me and you we have history
History from the past that won’t go away
The love we have it always stays
No matter the distance, no matter the fight; despite everything we always find a way to make it right
Maybe I should stop lying
Lying to myself, lying to you; lying to everyone
Denying me everlasting feelings for you
It hurts to watch you be with her; pretend that your feelings for me doesn’t make you hurt.
We don’t talk anymore
Not the way we used to
Perhaps we stopped because it became a little too painful
A little too hard, a little too much to pretend that we aren’t the sun, the stars and the moon.
Pretend that we don’t desperately want to say I do.
I loved hard; I felt true, none of it harder than the way that I loved you
Endless possibilities; but feelings as true as one
You were it then, now and still.
I convince myself of something that isn’t true;
I’m trying to talk myself out of loving you.