Hold on

Did you hear the water crashing against the shore
Can you see what is coming to grasp you
It stalks you everywhere you go
Yet never makes a sound
Just waiting for the prefect moment to strike
How is it possible that you can’t seem to feel the
Nightmarish creature that lurking around you

You look around for help from anyone
But no one seems to get past the front you have put into play
Inside your soul
You’re screaming for help, willing anymore to listen to you
You allow silent tears to run down your face
So many people seem to keep looking straight through you
It’s like no one cares that you need saving

How many times did you put your needs on hold
What did all that cost you
Was it simply a few precious moments of your time
Never once did you said ‘no’
You were more than happy to help
Now you are left to do everything on your own
After everything

So instead you chose to push the storm
Building inside you to the side
Someone else needs your help, no time to fix yourself
You swallow your pride and pain
To keep pushing forward
You refuse to allow anyone to go through it alone
If they ask for help, you are there offering a helping hand

One day you get up and realize you can’t help anyone
The storm inside explodes and there is nothing you can do
You leash out at everyone around you
Only briefly realizing what is happening
Now the darkness has engulfed you and there no place to run
The silent tears run like a river down your face
No one cares, not even an ounce to stop and help

How can you keep pushing forward
When you gave everything to those around you
The darkness seems never ending just like the raging storm
Suddenly of the lurking darkness comes this strange glowing flower
How could this be possible
Simple it’s called HOPE
You never truly gave up because you kept fighting

You have even started to open up to people
You’re not as shattered as you believed you are
Don’t give up because help is on its way.