
Gifted with wings of stained glass
Mistaken for a fairy as it flies
A metallic glint of magic floating past

An angel on its back, gives an extra set of wings
To waft higher, closer to heaven
So why does seeing it, make my heart sting?

Oh, dragonfly, you weave such a beautiful story
With such a sad, sad ending
Leaving me feeling in purgatory

I knew you would leave me eventually
But even so, it was too soon
Allowing my grief to remain and rise exponentially

10 years it took for the angel to go back to paradise
The memories you left behind will last much longer
But I understand that was always the sacrifice

I felt my rapid heart beat
just as yours slowed
Both with a flutter of utter defeat

So fly high, my dragonfly, no longer confined
For you have left all those you touched
With your bits of sunshine