Five Long Springs

We say everything we mean
Some of what we don't
Trying honestly,
You say you will
I say I won't
There but absently,
Always and still waiting
for a great love to spill
But maybe that's all swill
Long since baiting and debating it;

It's been such a goddamn waste
Fucking it all up in haste

But hey, I wanna do it anyway
It's been five long springs
Of asking to unravel everyday
For all the trivial things,
Every visceral thrill,
Leaves me shakin' off a chill

Dizzy Head's about to burst,
Of fever and thirst
If I didn't know any better
I'd say they got us cursed

So why not leave me your sweater
Leave me to unfetter
But don't chuck in the sponge
Boy you're spending too much time
Listening to that emo and grunge
A'ready to plunge
Breathing in grievances and grime
Puttin' it on like Robert Smith
Sick of waiting on a sometime
Startin' to suspect it's just a personal myth

But you mean more to me
Than simple honesty
Just give me some amnesty
And keep it just so for me