The Surgeon Who Sits on the Throne in the Kingdom of Nothing

The pain behind your smile
That no one else can see
It's been quite a while
Why not put your faith in me
I can see it in your eyes
Though you think the shades are drawn
Fighting for your life
Hoping to make it 'til the dawn
That heartache I know well
The pain that sits in your chest
The aching that does swell
And never lets you rest
This road that you follow
All alone in the dark
Trying to fill the hollow
And start a fire with a spark
Empty as it may seem
You're not really alone
This is the Kingdom of Nothing
And I sit on the throne
So come into my castle
Lay your pain down before me
Break those chains of hassle
I'll pour you a drink
Down one to dull the pain
Another to numb your fear
Then down so many more
One for each wasted year
I'll drink to my madness
Because I no longer feel the pain
I threw it all out
When I elected to lose this game
Just tell me of your problems
I shan't burden you with mine
We'll talk until we blackout
Then will come the time
The time when you can walk away
With stitches on your soul
My steady hands did all they could
I have paid your toll
And though you leave my Kingdom
Never hide your heart
The scars that you think ugly
Are the greatest work of art
♠ ♠ ♠
Haven't posted in ages. Still writing. Felt like I needed to get this one out into the universe though.