This Rejected Angel

Author's Notes: I used some of my favorite pertaining lines from My Chem songs. I think they fit in well....they're normally the first line or the last one in the sentance...key points are italicized....and that's about it!
Oh, yeah, inspiration from the stupid friends ignoring me due to INO again ;)

They turn to say “I don’t love you like yesterday.”
Such wonderful feelings of being alone
Yet really not, because of my friends
That reside online and love me, I know.

So I spend my time with strangers that are not such,
And the friends back home think I’m wasting my time,
My life, my energy, picking myself up to fall down
But only there is where I feel truly sublime.

Tell me I’m an angel
Say it, don’t turn away.
I’m not sick, though you think I am
I”ll take this rejection to my grave.

To wage this war against your faith in me
You might want to have some decent ammunition…
The shoddy excuse you’re presenting to be angry
Isn’t even worth you calling it a recovery mission.

Don’t stop if I fall and don’t look back.
I wish I could find my situation a lie…
But they’ve held to these words with a death grip.
At least I could say that, as far as it goes, I’ve tried.