Just A Moment

As most nights
I fall asleep,
Finding myself in
A familiar dream.
You're there, as always
Out in the distance,
Staring back at me
As I try to figure out
Where I've seen you before.
My heart beats faster.
My blood runs cold.
Desire takes over.
My head is spinning,
As I call out to you.

Press you lips to mine.
Taste the pain and fear
You've caused me.
Wipe away my silent tears.
Let your touch calm
My restless mind.
Hold me in your arms,
Bodies pressed together tight,
Hearts and souls merging.

Once it all ends,
Numb all feeling
Left inside me.
I promise not to fight.
Drain the life in me.
It makes no difference
Lay me down, dying.
Do with me what you will.
There is but one request,
And I'll be yours eternally

Just give me that moment,
That of which I desire.
Let me feel like I'm
For only a moment.

Then I wake up
Realization surrounding me.
Only to once again become