
She didn't have many
Sons, no, her daughters
Outnumbered them

The ones she did have
She regarded them as "housecats"
The kind that roamed loose

She didn't trust them
Not to act "reckless"
So, she'd keep them from making mistakes

She wasn't the most loving
Towards either her daughters or sons
Certainly, that was obvious

Her cats had more care
However, to her, this idea was
For the best

Their own good

She'd have them
"fixed" like housecats
Each and every last one

They'd still have their parts
But they got a few nicks and stitches
And then they were good to go

Her sons wondered why
She'd have them "fixed", yet
Her daughters were allowed to be intact

She told them, at her nicest,
She thought of them as "housecats"
The kind that roamed loose

"It's for your own good."

They argued that
She didn't give them a say in altering them
She fired back that

They existed on a whim
Gesturing towards a bloodstained bathtub
Saying she had only the initial choice

To skew her offspring's sex ratio

So she made do with
The options she did have
Skew the ratio with a cup of tea

Or have her sons "fixed" like housecats

She fixed her queens and toms equally
But the world wouldn't treat
Her daughters as equal to her sons

So, neither would she
Getting her sons altered and
Disowning her intact daughters for any mistakes

Punishing them for existing
In such draconian, unequal ways
Like society had punished her

By giving her only two choices
Skew the sex ratio or altering
Nothing else

Her daughters outnumbered
Her sons and her sons she
Didn't trust to not act

Loose and reckless
Like unchecked felines
Preventing mistakes

Fixing them like housecats
♠ ♠ ♠
Yes, the use of veterinary terms is deliberate