Life && Yourself

Why is life so harsh?

Incercepting with the changes around us.

Blocking out the most magnificent

things but just leaving cruelness to offer?

I try to so hard to make everything right.

No one appreciates, they just don't care.

Looking and viewing the world as something no one does.

Nobody gets it.

They don't know me.

Why can't they understand?

Life is as if a pebble;

Getting thrown, tossed, kicked.

Taken advantage of, not appreciated enough.

It depends on the human.

The nature of their characteristics.

Their own being.

Looking inside themselves to truely find out whom they are.

And life.

Getting the knowledge to learn all around us.

Viewing the different ways of society.

Finally finding someone who understands.

Who can go through life with you.

That someone is yourself,

your spirit.

Your inner being.

The person that changes,

and understands themsevles.

Apparently; that person is you.

You can offer your own needs & satisfaction like no one can.

So what? Life is harsh.

Learn to move on, forgive, and forget.

Take it simple, keep it unique.

Most of all, try to Be happy.