The end of AIYHSB

She’s a Chompy little geek
Not some random crazy freak

Her frerards are the best
She’d not let her keyboard rest

She updates every day
That’s Lightning Zap’s “make us love her” way

She doesn’t complain about writer’s block
For some of you it’s probably shock

Svetta is her cute baby toy
Squishing the poor hippo brings her joy

She shows the world some Aussie bands*
She doesn’t care about some stupid trends

She’s the real Mibba star
Her writing career is going real far

She has her personal dangerous and crazy stalkers
But honestly they’re just friendly talkative talkers

She’s just ended the best story ever
We will remember it forever

It made us cry it made us smile
Reading it took us a while

But we loved every second of that time
That entertaining was worth any crime

This silly rhymes are just the “thank you for writing” Lightning Zap
You’ve already know we’re all in “we love you” trap


*Acid Eyeliner? –I’m not sure lol
** OMG It's a real hell to write something like that in foreign language- that's why I'm proud of it (even if its the silliest silly thing ever)!