The Ballad to That Weird Yet Attractive Girl I See in the Hall

I saw you in the hall one day
Your kilt was prudishly long
And I only had one thing to say

I really think I maybe kinda think
You're really hot
Really really hot.
In a prudish niner kind of way

The way you play the oboe is uber lean
I could play you an arpeggio
If you know what I mean ;)
I hope you don't have clamydia

Your twin has a square face
And her chest is too abnormally huge
It's kind of a disgrace
That I'm not with you

I really think I maybe kinda think
You're really hot
Really really hot.
In a prudish niner kind of way

I know you think I'm a freak
Because of the way I stare
But it's because I know our future's bleak
When you pretend that I'm not there

Your eyebrows could use a bit of thinning
But otherwise your effing hot
So let's give this a beginning
...Or maybe let's not.

I really think I maybe kinda think
You're really hot
Really really hot.
In a prudish niner kind of way

I borrowed my friend's facebook
Just to stalk your page
Please give me just a look
I hear I'm all the rage

When you play in band
My heart gives a flutter
Why can't you understand
You're the bread to my butter

I really think I maybe kinda think
You're really hot
Really really hot.
In a prudish niner kind of way