These Words I Have Left Unsaid

These Words I Have Left Unsaid.

The things I have left unsaid,
Burn at the back of my throat,
They scream in the back of my mind,
Begging me to speak them,
But they're not so fun to say,
These things I've left unsaid,
They're painful,
And deadly to the touch,
These things I have left unsaid,
They burn deep with in my stomach,
They beg me to say them,
To tell my family and friends,
What these thoughts and feelings I have left unsaid,
These painful sorrows,
These deadly sins,
I've written down on a template in my mind,
They're things I have left unsaid,
I have not told you that I love you,
I have not told you that you have the most beautiful eyes,
The prettiest smile,
I have never told you the pain you put me through,
I haven't,
Not yet,
Maybe never,
I can't help but feel this way,
So my thoughts are left unsaid,
They're no longer important,
They’re no longer of prime importance.
I can never tell you,
How I feel,
I can never tell you I love you,
It's one of the things I've left unsaid,
I've carved that thought deep within my skin,
Deep with in my heart,
And I have trained myself to believe all the lies every one tells me,
All because of the thoughts I've left unsaid,
So I can't fathom how you know,
Exactly how much I haven't said,
It's something,
I can't say,
Because I don't believe you know,
But you seem to think you do.
No longer,
Can I leave these things unsaid,
They've been unsaid too long,
These painful thoughts left unsaid,
You believe you can read me like a book,
And say I've been there,
But you haven't,
You haven't carved anything like this,
So now,
These words I have left unsaid,
They're too painful,
So I leave them unsaid,
They're painful,
For you,
For me,
For my heart,
That’s why I have your name carved into my cold black heart,
So now,
I scream,
At you,
Through my pain,
My misery,
Through the thoughts I've never said.
So now,
You hear the thoughts I have never said,
These words unsaid.

~Fallon Laymon 2-29-2008