I am your greatest friend.-Lesbian Poem

My hair is slightly crooked,
My heart is right in place,
I glance right beside me,
There she is…..my love,
She’s gorgeous, sweet and kind,
And she basically is mine.

But she doesn’t know it yet…
But that’s alright,
It isn’t right to want her,
But I can’t help what I feel,
She’s a girl I’m a girl,
I guess we all need to learn how to deal.

She knows me more than my parents do,
She needs to know everything,
She makes me smile everyday,
But she doesn’t know it to.

We sit and chat and joke,
About all the cutest boys,
But what I really want to say is,
How much I am falling for you.

And as the clock keeps ticking faster,
My heart grows more for you,
Your eyes so gentle,
And your skin so soft and neat,
Makes me lust for your ending life,
And dream of you and me.

You come to me excited,
He finally asked you out,
I say that’s great,
Don’t mean it,
And cry at home somehow.

You call me up the next week,
And say you guys just kissed,
I said I am so glad for you,
But truthfully that’s a myth,
I go in my room and cut my arms,
I feel so torn inside.

You call me up the next evening,
Then ask if everythings fine,
I lie and say of course it is,
And I can hear your gentle smirk,
You say goodbye and ended it,
What’s this a note by your door?

The note said Dear Love,
I am telling you those hard and treacherous words,
I love you always and forever,
I always did its true,

Remember me as your first,
Your first love,
Your first friend,
And remember me sweet angel,
I am your greatest friend.