May I Have This Dance?

I walk into the dance,
I really didn’t want to come,
But they stuck me in the dress
And pulled me into the car.

I watch the other kids twirl
Around the floor with their dates.
The girls in long, flowing gowns
And the guys in their handsome suits.

Then I see you, gliding around the room,
With that girl, you know the one.
The one that you’ve been texting,
The one you’ve been dreaming of.

I watch you, I can’t seem to look away.
Your smile is so dazzling,
Even though it’s for her,
And you seem to shine in the darkness.

Then you look over and see me.
You turn to your date and say something in her ear.
She pouts and walks away
While you turn and walk to me.

My heart starts pounding,
Wondering why you’re moving my way.
Why did you let her go? She’s your dream,
You’ve been wanting her since forever.

You walk up to me,
That dazzling smile on your face.
You extend you hand to me
And say, “May I have this dance?”

I’m shocked and amazed.
I thought we were only friends,
You had once told me that.
But, I’m happy inside.

I take your hand
And you pull me up.
To the dance floor
And to love we walk.