
A crush is what he had on her to start
But then her looks and adittude went straight to his heart

He was always thinking about her and her beautiful smile
He would even day dream about her for a while

He was obsessed with her face and her long blonde hair
But he'd never have the guts to talk to her, even with a dare.

But soon he got comfortable around her and stated to talk
Sometimes after school they'd go for a walk

She never really liked him, just thought he was cool
While she never really cared, one look at her and he'd drool

But it hurt some other girl very well
And his crush on the other hurt like hell

Always in his profile, always on AIM
' I love_______, it was always the same

Now, this other girl who liked this guy
Found out that he had a crust on the other, and wanted to die

She would cry herself to sleep each night
And with her wrist, she'd put up a fight

Every day she would see her and cry inside
She had to tell him she loved him, there was nothing to hide

She would always fear that he would be taken
But she didn't know she was sorely mistaken

He decided to ask other out, so he did
But this daring question, was to be forbid

There was a straight out "no", I'm guessing he was sad
When the other girl hear what he had done, she got so mad

But when she heard that other said no, there were no more tears
Relief, thank god, after all the fears

Although she said no, that didn't change a thing
He was still in love to other girl, and that woud sting

And she knows she'll never get a chance with him
No more self-esteem, i can't tell you, but it was the start of sin

But the funny thing about this stor, you're about to see
The other girl with the crush on this guy... is me

And the girl that said no is proved to be a bitch
A flat out slut, a real witch

And I Guess we'll both let this get to our heads
But another funny thing is...we are ....
****** this is an old poem i wrote... like last year.
now i have a boyfriend <3