Just as Hopeless.

Just as hopeless as trying to
Stop the sun from setting
Or the moon shining so bright
To light up the sky calling us to the night

Just as hopeless as trying to
Ignite the spark thats gone
Or stop the cold from freezing
My soul from the inside

Why cant i just leave it all behind
Why cant i just erase
All of this
All of this

Ive fallen so deep in this life
That theres too many steps to climb
And im lost in this maze
Hidden in the mist, no chance to see

How could i know
I believed every word
And i denied all doubts

Just as hopeless as trying to
Heal this broken thing
Just as hopeless as trying to
turn back the clocks
And bring you back to me

Your smile spread so wide
Your eyes looking into mine
Your touch against my skin
Your hair flowing in the wind

In those memories
The answer

Somehow i fell in love with a dream
And its just as hopeless as trying to
Wake from this nightmare called reality
Without you on my side

Baby, I thought
I wanted
And i needed you, mine

I thought you were the one.