
Verse 1
Bruises on my arms and legs
bruises on my face
blood streaming down my lip
and I laugh at this welcomed pain.
I won't let you win,
I'll fight back till the end.
I'll die before I let you control me
No matter how many times y you hit me...
you will never win.
Verse 2
I try to hide it.
all the scars on my wrists
The bruises on my face
the tears that stream down my black and blue cheeks
I won't let you win,
I'll fight back till the end.
I'll die before I let you control me
No matter how many times y you hit me...
you will never win.
Verse 3
You want me hurt,
you can't stand to see me in love
you can't stand to think of me fighting back
moving away out of your grip
I won't let you win,
I'll fight back till the end.
I'll die before I let you control me
No matter how many times y you hit me...
you will never win.
Verse 4
I will win the battle
I will be victorious
You can not hurt me now
That I am strong
I won't let you win,
I'll fight back till the end.
I'll die before I let you control me
No matter how many times y you hit me...
you will never win.
Verse 5
I've fallen in love
and he gave me the power to fight back
he is the reason
you will never leave your mark on me again.
I won't let you win,
I'll fight back till the end.
I'll die before I let you control me
No matter how many times y you hit me...
you will never win.
I won't let you win,
I'll fight back till the end.
I'll die before I let you control me
No matter how many times y you hit me...
you will never win.
I won't let you win,
I'll fight back till the end.
I'll die before I let you control me
No matter how many times y you hit me...
you will never win.
It's over,
your gone
out of my life