
Is there a soul mate for everyone?

How can you find them?

How can you tell if they are the one?

Is there a certain sign to look for…

Love: is a complicated thing to comprehend

Love: is a hard thing to say

Is it easy to find

Or am I too blind

To see that love is all around me…

Star crossed lovers

Match made in heaven

Some of the names to name those in love

I don't understand why

But its just a connection

A connection of two souls

That have found one another and dance in joy.

Love: is a complicated thing to comprehend

Love: is a hard thing to say

Is it easy to find

Or am I too blind

To see that love is all around me…

What is the point?

What is the meaning?

Can there be more than one?

Or is it just there?

Does it come from friendship

Or is it at first sight…

How can you tell and

When will you know?

Love: is a complicated thing to comprehend

Love: is a hard thing to say

Is it easy to find

Or am I too blind to see…

That you are standing…

Right in front of me.