Time is a Liar

It's all too much to take anymore
I run, I fall, I hit the floor

I try, I push, but I never succeed
It's all this misery that I don't need

I hate pushing myself just to fail
They say, "Well honey, only time can tell."

Time is a liar, it tells me NOTHING,
Please, somebody, tell me something...

Will I ever win and hold my head high
Or should I just bid everything goodbye

All this sitting and waiting and hoping for good
All the hurt that no one understood

I'm watching the distance for something new
But everything happy has bid me adieu

Why should I sit with all my excuses
I have nothing, I have no uses

Nothing I do is ever right
People tell me this every night

Time has its grip and it won't let me go
Why it won't, I guess I don't know

I have no meaning, I'm always rejected
I stand in my loneliness looking dejected

I can't force that smile, not one more time
Everything swirls around in my mind

Why I'm not good enough, why I'm not great
Why my excuses are just too late.

Put me through fire then, I don't even care
Throw me down, take me anywhere.

I'm overly stressed and I'm over the edge,
Wake up tomorrow, you'll find me dead.

Not in this misery, not in this place,
Just lying there in sweet disgrace.