My England

It isn't all about tea and biscuits
Its just one big misfit
Gun crimes in the world today
Innocent people don't get their say
Criminals are doing the crime
But how many of them do the time

It isn't all about tea and biscuits
Its just one big misfit
People judgng b the colour of our skin
Will we ever be accepted
Will we ever win
Look beyond the cover
Find the person you discover

It isn't all about tea and biscuis
Its just one big misfit
Don't listen and obey
Play it how you want to play
Raise your voice and have your say
Live ife your own way

It isn't all about tea and bicuits
Its just one big misfit
In this world today, people hate and discriminate
Street gangs roam the hood
They are only out to intimidate
With their balaclavas and weapons
It makes them feel good

It isn't all about tea and biscuits
Its just one big misfit
In this England where we live
People need to learn how to forgive
Lets stop the racism, the guns and the wars
And make our England free and pure