the snow leopard

I have run for hours with no food or drink,
My heart beats faster than I can think
My paws are blistered, sore and red,
If I had a choice I'd flop into bed,
These hunters are not fair for that I'm sure,
Driving four wheeled vehicles so huge in
One's mind I cannot draw,
My muscles ache and are in pain,
But from attacking I must refrain,
I must keep my cubs frolicking free,
Not being worried because there's no me,
My breathing is heavy and I am going slow,
The sun is setting creating a hazy golden glow,
I pass through autumn trees
Bearing amber, emerald and ruby leaves,
My silky fur seems phospherent against the ground,
Past green, green, green meadows I bound,
Why do hunters kill us with laughter and cheers
While we weep and mourn for our dears?
The hunters approach, but I stare with sapphire eyes.
I leap, from their hands the gun I prise,
They come forward, knife, dagger, wood and lead,
I cry , for now I am nearly dead,
Can you help the snow leopard to be free,
Running from eternity,
We need YOU to help. So please!