love is a hard game to play

Love is hard to find in desolate places,
Sometimes you can see it in people faces.
Something that’s hard to miss,
This magic that forms from a mist.

This feeling that can’t be lost,
Looks don’t matter most.
It is feeling and emotions that are important,
Not the facade of the news report.

If you ever find another,
Be sure to tell them or don’t stay together.
Love is a hard game to play,
But make sure you keep it in the way.

Love is a hard word to mean,,
When this happens don’t be too keen..
Say with all your heart,
And don’t blurt it out like a fart.

Romance isn’t like a poem,
You can’t change it to suit the flowen.
It always changes and goes astray,
But it will help you in some strange way.