This world is a Bad one

What has this world come to?
It filled with violence, hatred,
and much more... why aren't you
helping this more than sacred planet

People are dying and you stand there
You are either good or bad but you only
choose to fit in... my question is... why can you just
learn that it doesnt matter and to just be YOU

Bad people don't just happen
They are caused by influences,
peer pressure and other stupid reasons.
But did you know that you are the main cause?

You see dog fights... what do you do?
You root and make bets for a dog to win...
That can kill the animal and who wants to do that?
Did you know that animal violence causes murderers

Just think of that next time you just stand there
letting that poor innocent dog die
and not only are you letting the dog get killed,
but you are allowing others to get killed

What a shame.
There are wars with country that we don't need.
Silly little fights that have nothing to do with us
I don't understand why we cant just live in peace.

If they can ban less important things then
Can't they ban fights with other countries
They must respect that. why do we have war?
To prove to other countries that we are the best?

We are a free and powerful country
what more do we have to prove?
We have plenty of land to live on...
so there is no excuse.

So just think about this.... next time you see something bad
Go and be a nice and good person and help put an end to it